Email Notifications

In this section, we'll explain how your chatbot can trigger email notifications containing actionable data at the end of a chat session.

How notifications work

Once 8 minutes of chat inactivity has passed, your chatbot will extract data from your chat conversation and deliver the data via email. By default, your chatbot will email the primary Botsheets account, but you can add additional email recipients. You can also enable or disable elements of the email.

Email Content



SenderEmails are sent from so there is no brand connection to Botsheets.No
RecipientsDefaults to the account holder but both the primary email and a secondary recipient can be added. Leave fields blank to disable email notificationsYes
Data PointsInclude key data extracted and collected in a chat session.Yes
Chat TranscriptInclude the complete chat transcript.Yes
Dashboard LinkInclude a link to the Botsheets Dashboard.Yes
Google Sheet LinkInclude a link to the Google Sheet capturing key data.Yes
Botsheets BrandingInclude the Botsheets logo in email notifications.Yes
Opt-outUsers complete a form to opt-out of generic email notifications rather than eamil BotsheetsNo