This document provides a description of each Botsheets Action as well as a list of common errors to help you resolve problems fast.
List of Actions
Task | Description |
Gallery | Generate a gallery from your Google Sheet data |
Gallery from a Keyword Search | Search a Google Sheet with text or a user field. Generate a gallery of search results. |
Gallery from an Advanced Search | Search a Google Sheet with advanced methods using 1 criteria. Generate a gallery of search results. |
Gallery from an Advanced Search [2 Criteria] | Search a Google Sheet with advanced methods using 2 criteria. Generate a gallery of search results. |
Gallery from an Advanced Search [3 Criteria] | Search a Google Sheet with advanced methods using 3 criteria. Generate a gallery of search results. |
Gallery from an Advanced Search [4 Criteria] | Search a Google Sheet with advanced methods using 4 criteria. Generate a gallery of search results. |
Gallery from an Advanced Search [5 Criteria] | Search a Google Sheet with advanced methods using 5 criteria. Generate a gallery of search results. |
Gallery from an Advanced Search [from array] | Search a Google Sheet with advanced methods using an array. Generate a gallery of search results. |
Selection List [1 List] | Generate 1 list of selections using either radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown select menu, or auto-complete typing. |
Selection List [2 Lists] | Generate 2 selection lists using any combination of radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown select menu, or auto-complete typing. |
Selection List [3 Lists] | Generate 3 selection lists using any combination of radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown select menu, or auto-complete typing. |
Selection List [4 Lists] | Generate 4 selection lists using any combination of radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown select menu, or auto-complete typing. |
Selection List [5 Lists] | Generate 5 selection lists using any combination of radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown select menu, or auto-complete typing. |
Text Search | Search for text data in your Google Sheet and save the result to a user field. |
Text Search [2 Criteria] | Search for text data in your Google Sheet and save the result to a user field. |
Column Calculator | Search for data and do a calculation for all rows that meet the search criteria, then display the result in a message. |
Remove Row [1 Criteria] | Search for a row, or multiple rows, to remove. |
Remove Row [2 Criteria] | Search for a row, or multiple rows, to remove. |
Remove Row [3 Criteria] | Search for a row, or multiple rows, to remove. |
Get a User's Coordinates from their Postal Code | Turn a user's postal code into latitude and longitude coordinates. You can use the coordinates to rank locations from a Google Sheet by distance. |
Get the Distance Between two Coordinates | For example: "You are 3 miles from our restaurant, we can deliver to you." |
Get Facebook Profile Pictures | Retrieve and display the user's profile photo in a conversation. |
Common Errors
These errors are actionable. However the easiest way to debug is to look at your logs in Manychat, or the Botsheets log acessible here
Error | Explanation |
Error: First, check that sheetName matches the sheet name exactly, next on your Google Sheet, click Share at the top right, and then 'Get Shareable Link'. This will make your sheet open to view. | Your Google Sheet isn't shareable, or the sheetName value in your dynamic request doesn't match the Google Sheet tab name. See the template page for your sheet to see how to share a Google Sheet with Botsheets. |
Error: No Google Sheet rows found. Here is the query you sent: [Your Query] | The query doesn't use the right syntax. |
Error: Check that you have provided access to your Google Sheet. | Your Google Sheet isn't shareable. See the template page for your sheet to see how to share a Google Sheet with Botsheets. |
Error: Please provide a valid Botsheets Key. | Your Botsheets key is not valid. Please check your key, or if you purchased a key, check the key you received by email. |
Error: In order to continue using Botsheets, you need to upgrade your key. | There is a monthly limit on the use of a Botsheets key. You may need to upgrade your plan. |
Error: Make sure you have Full Subscriber Data added to your request body! | You need to add Full Subscriber Data in your request. Click the Body tab in your request and select Add Full Subscriber Data. |
Error: Parameter numResults must be greater than 0. | In your dynamic request make sure the parameter numResults is grater than 0 and less than 10. |
Error: Parameter numResults must be 10 or less.. sorry this might get increased in the future if there is enough demand | In your dynamic request make sure the parameter numResults is less than 0 and less than 10 |
Error: numResults is a required parameter. Set numResults to a value 1-10 | In your dynamic request make sure the parameter numResults is greater than 0 and less than 12. |
Error: Parameter startRow must be 2 or greater. | In your dynamic request make sure the parameter, if you're requesting data starting in a specific row, make sure the row is greater than or equal to 2. |
Error: Parameter location is required. Set location to the lat,lon of the user. | If you're making location requests, the Google Sheet column header location is required. |
Error: Please make sure you provide a column in the Google Sheet named location. This column will hold lat,long location of each place. | If you're making location requests, the Google Sheet column header location is required. |
Error: This location: " + self.user_location + " is not valid. | If you're making location requests, the Google Sheet column header location is required and location data must be in this format: lat,long. For example: 38.8976763,-77.0387185 |
Error: field "caption" can't be empty | button1Caption column does not have a value |
Error: Fields action parameter field_name required | Need to give the name of the user field in the button1ActionName column |
Error: Field with same name not found | You need to create the user field in ManyChat first |
Error: Title for card must be set | Title column does not have a value |
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